Shake Yo Ass! : The Final Chapter

All in all,  some day (if not soon) those who run for office may have to start stripping down to their bare essentials and maybe obtain their position by participating in some type of pageant or something.  Actually,  to me that’s not a bad idea. It pretty much sounds like everyone who runs for any type of political office sounds like they are full of … Continuer de lire Shake Yo Ass! : The Final Chapter

Passing Her By

Food is rationed.  There is no passion. Sing « ABC ». Be careful so you will not get an STD. Even in her dark brown skin she is judged. She claims « other » as her race. A cop is called while she is begging for money, so that she can feed her face. Life is passing her by as a loved one helps another who has constantly hurt … Continuer de lire Passing Her By