The Sexiest Red Headed Rocker of the 1980’s

I was on Yahoo Answers the other day (I love that site) when I needed a question answered. Does anyone remember that kick ass show called Radio 1990? To me, it was one of the coolest video shows on television in the 1980’s. It was one of the greatest video shows back then, too.

It ranked tops in greatness, along with shows such as: Night Tracks, MTV, and Video Soul (BET’s Donny Simpson). For a long time, I remembered one artist in particular, whose video was played quite a bit on Radio 1990. Unfortunately, I forgot his fucking name. Damnit!! He was sooooooooooo hot!!!

I remember him having like red hair and looking hot in these tight leather pants. Or, I think he was wearing some torn up jeans. He also had this rough, kind of sexy, smoky, hot, and seductive rocker voice. Shit! And when he took it « to the bridge », my panties got sooooooooo wet. Oh, yeah! I can’t help it!! Besides his good looks and sexy voice, the last thing I remember was his lyrics.

And it fucking made sense! It had me going absolutely wild!! Somebody please help me out! I need to know who this guy is, so I can restart my music collection. The lyrics I remember is: « If you love me say it, say it, say it, again. »

I had to write about this shit here because this shit head on Yahoo fucking put Meatloaf as the guy who sang this song. Fuck no!!!! It wasn’t Meatloaf!!! Meatloaf is cool and a great actor, but fuck no, he is not the « make your panties wet » sexy as hell guy from the 1980 (not constantly played on Radio 1990 video show). Well, guys I bid you all adieu and invite everyone to give me a shout out, and tell me about your « made my panties wet rocker », etc. I would even be ecstatic if someone found out who this « if you love me say it, say it, say it, again » artist was.

I’ll be waiting and searching. And, when I do, I plan to play his video and this particular song over and over, and over, again.

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